News & Stories

Latin America/Caribbean

From the Field

What is the coronavirus? Facts, symptoms, and how to help

Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that can cause the common cold or more severe diseases such as severe acute respiratory syndrome, Middle East respiratory syndrome, and the coronavirus disease COVID-19. Learn more about the ongoing pandemic and how World Vision is responding worldwide.

From the Field

What is a refugee? Facts, FAQs, and how to help

There are more refugees in the world than ever before — 27 million — and their needs have never been greater, not only for the basic necessities of life, but also for hope and opportunities to be self-sufficient. Find out more about the global refugee crisis.

From the Field

Central American migration: Facts, FAQs, and how to help

Here are basic facts and FAQs about Central America migration, how World Vision addresses root causes of poverty there, and how you can help. One program raising promise among vulnerable youth in Central America is Youth Ready. Through this approach, we help young people discover their potential, develop specific career and life skills, establish support networks, build character and confidence, and plan for their future in their communities. This is work is made possible largely through child sponsorship.

From the Field

An ode to mothers

Every day, mothers continue to love, care for, and provide for their children. On this Mother’s Day, we recognize mothers around the globe.

From the Field

In the Kitchen: Honduran pupusas

Pupusas — thick, grilled flatbreads usually stuffed with cheese, beans, or pork — are a staple in Central America. The dish originated in El Salvador and western Honduras. They’re similar to Mexican gorditas and Venezuelan arepas. A few simple ingredients combine to create a flavorful meal.

From the Field

5 worst spots for hunger

Around the world, as many as 811 million people regularly go to bed hungry. Learn where the 5 worst places are in the world for hunger, what World Vision is doing, and how you can help hungry children and families in need.