Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Press Kit

Subject Matter Experts :

Dr. Greg Allgood
Dr. Greg Allgood's bio

The Latest

World Vision commits to reach everyone, everywhere they work with clean water in Rwanda

In the first step of a bold vision to bring clean water to everyone, everywhere World Vision works by the year 2030, President Rich Stearns announced today that the organization will fulfill this commitment first in Rwanda— within five years. The country was chosen because of World Vision’s strong presence there, a clear plan of action, and the support of many partners including the local government.

Fact Sheets and Extras

WASH Program Evaluation Result (PDF)

World Vision focuses on building community capacity so water systems continue to function even after we have left. We work with communities to create the management structure for each water point to take care of the water point and collect fees for maintenance and repair. We train local people on well maintenance and, where necessary, work to create a supply chain for repair parts.

InterAction factsheet on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (PDF)

The U.S. has provided significant leadership to help tens of millions of people gain access to safer drinking water and sanitation facilities globally. USAID leads U.S. efforts in this sector, focusing primarily on improving health outcomes through the provision of sustainable safe drinking water and sanitation, as well as managing water for agriculture to improve food security.